Fansite 1st Anniversary ~SEXな周年~


If you’re new here, we’re going going WACK, fansite dedicated to the world’s worst entertainment company. WACK is the company behind groups such as GANG PARADE, BiSH, BiS and BOYSGROUP. We translate their songs.

We’re one year old now, which means all of us are shitting and crying.

Originally this idea started because we just wanted there to be more translations for WACK songs in English but we’ve managed to expand to audition camp coverage, interview translations and lyric videos too. Since things started, one of our members moved to Japan for university, one started going to university for Japanese studies and another started doing linguistic research at university using WACK songs. So, needless to say, all of our lives are extremely different because of WACK.

And for the company too, since we started, ASP shifted to making pop music, EMPiRE broke up forming ExWHYZ from the ashes and we have both BOYSGROUP and a boy band on the roster too. Oh, also BiSH are about to break up. Also Kaedephoenix left MAMESHiBA. Also a former HKT48 member joined ASP. And BiS3 lost all but one of the original members. And so on and so forth. 

It’s still our goal to translate every song. Even if the goal becomes impossible because the company never stops, that just means that we CAN’T STOP either. We’ll keep going as long as WACK keeps going. Even if life is busy, there’ll always be an unpaid lunatic behind a laptop screen here to tell you about the group you like.

Also Watanabe follows us now. Hey baby.

So, thank you! We’ll keep doing… this!

Ganba Renai, Reb Nineprince, Korosarenai Karli, Đorđe no Jinsei, Rachel Raisehell and Calture Shock

Penis’d to meet you (よろちんこお願いします)


We’re going going WACK, from the team behind pretty pretty GANG – the fansite dedicated to GANG PARADE (and GO TO THE BEDS/PARADISES). We love WACK so… We made a WACK fansite. It makes sense right?

This website will mostly serve as a collection of translations of songs and some articles. We’d love to have everything all at once but there’s a lot of shit! It takes time. As it stands, we have the entire CARRY LOOSE, GANG PARADE and GO TO THE BEDS discographies translated. Along with some BiSH, some EMPiRE and then the rest is odds and ends.

The eventual plan is to translate everything. Yes, everything. We don’t know how long it will take but we have a full team consisting of 5 translators and a webpage manager (who will also translate once they go to university for Japanese and Linguistics in September), so hopefully we can get a lot of things done in spite of our jobs and school.

We’re also on Twitter.


But we’ll use it to let you know when there’s new translations, when there’s a new release or product you can buy (and also how to buy stuff from overseas if it’s not on Amazon). Think of it like a constant news stream for all things WACK, so you don’t miss anything!

And because the first Men’s WACK Audition Camp is happening, we’ll try and cover it loosely with fun tidbits and updates.

So… let’s CHANGE the WORLD.